Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where Were My Real Friends?

Okay, I was watching What Not To Wear one day the the girl that was being made over had a totally cute hair cut! She had the same round chubby face that I have so I thought I could pull it off! I cut about 3 inches off (I think, Maybe it seems like more that it was) and also decided to do bangs!!! What the hell! Where were my friends when i needed someone to tell me NO! This was not a good idea and I have been pretty much pinning them back ever since. They were too short to sweep to the side and they made my face look even more round than it was before (if that is even possible!) Today was a bad bang day so I decided I would complain about it to you! Here is the cutest picture I have of me with them, so just know it is totally worse that it looks! Never again!!!


Rachel and Dan Schmalz said...

I love it!! It SUPER cute!